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Keyword Tracking with Kinetic Rules
Keyword Tracking with Kinetic Rules
Updated over a week ago

If you create rules based on organic rank or ad position, you need to ensure you are tracking the keyword. If you are not tracking the keyword, the rule will skip over that keyword and no action will be taken. 

What does it mean to track a keyword?

With a Kinetic subscription, you get access to track 5000 daily keywords and 100 hourly keywords. When you turn on tracking for a keyword, we will get your organic and sponsored ad rank position on a daily or hourly basis.  You can then use this data in your rule conditions. 

What should I do I if have reached my tracking quota?  

If you reached your quota, you will need to take one of the following actions:
       - Reduce the number of keywords being impacted by the rule
       - Go to Keyword Manager, Competitor Intelligence, or Listing Analyzer to turn off              keyword tracking for keywords that are no longer relevant.

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